The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra is a Mahayana Buddhist teachings on the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who vows to attain the final enlightenment after the hell realm is emptied.
The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra is a Mahayana Buddhist teachings on the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who vows to attain the final enlightenment after the hell realm is emptied.
The Buddha’s teachings have a unique and sometimes challenging language all their own, constructed from the many cultures and generations of practitioners they have touched.
EVERGREEN MEDAL FOR SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP In 2015, the English version of Where Is the Way? won the United States “Living Now ● Evergreen Medal for Spiritual Leadership” Gold Medal Award. 星雲大師的譯作英文版《人間佛教何處尋 Where Is the Way?》榮獲美國2015年年度『活在當下●長青領袖金牌獎』!這一獎項是表揚西元二千年至今十五年間,出版具有影響社會人群及改變世界言論的書籍。 Request a copy. 美國獨立出版業詹金斯集團(Jenkins Group)『活在當下Living Now』書籍評委會特別推薦英文版《人間佛教何處尋 Where Is the Way?》為『長青精神領袖金牌獎』。 美國獨立出版業詹金斯集團的這一長春獎項,最難得的是它包含十五年的出版書籍,舉凡有利於個人、群體及地球生態,更能促進人類身心靈健康、豐富生活內涵、充實生活知識都可列入參選行列,從淋灕滿目的參選書籍中,《人間佛教何處尋 Where Is the Way?》能脫穎而出,這證明星雲大師的人間佛教思想、化世益人的言論獲得了西方人士的讚許和認同。 『活在當下Living Now』評委會除了給予這項殊榮,並且引言說明 : 「當我們相信所有的眾生都擁有無限的自性和本能,我們的人生會是多麼美好!最自在快樂的生活以及盡最大能力去幫助別人,依於我們的能力及願心。」文字間流露的平等與互助,讓讀者能更懂得樂觀及待人處世。也因被此強大的心力深深地感動,評委會將精神領袖金牌獎授予了該書。 In Where Is…