Category: Booklet

Starting a Daily Practice

English language Starting a Daily Practice如何修持佛法 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents What is Buddhist Practice? Chan Practice Pure Land Practice Starting a Daily Practice Participating in Group Practice Appendix of Chanting Texts Read Online Download Now 內容 如何修持佛法 禪修 净土的修持 一日修行 參加共修法會 附錄:課誦經文

The Five Precepts

English language The Five Precepts受持五戒的意義 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Some Questions Addressed The Meaning of Undertaking the Five Precepts Freedom of the Heart Read Online Download Now 內容 關於五戒的問題 五戒的意義 心的解脫

The Triple Gem

English language The Triple Gem皈依三寶的意義 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Some Questions Addressed The Meaning of Taking Refuge Democracy of the Heart Read Online Download Now 內容 關於皈依的問題 皈依的意義 心的民主

Seeing Clearly

A collection of essays regarding the benefit of looking inside ourselves, taking advantage of the time we have, and dedicating our everyday actions to the greater good of society.

Buddhism and Healing

English language Buddhism and Healing佛教對身心疾病的看法 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Healing the Body Healing the Mind Healing Afflictions Healing Fear Healing through the Five Contemplations Healing the Mind with Buddhist Practice Conclusion Read Online Download Now 內容 自己做自己的医生 勤修戒定慧,息灭贪瞋痴 用正念降伏烦恼 用智慧化解生老病死 用观照力去除坏习惯 用智慧点亮心灯

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