Category: Booklet


English language Why?為什麼 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents One is not little; one trillion is not much A tiny dust particle is not small; a void is not huge One ksana (instant) is not short; one kalpa (eon) is not long Existence is not really existence;non-existence is not really non-existence Filth is not…

The Experience and Practice of Extraordinary People

English language The Experience and Practice of Extraordinary People佛教奇人的修證 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Extraordinary People in Buddhism from the Perspective of Patience Extraordinary People in Buddhism from the Perspective of Vows Extraordinary People in Buddhism from the Perspective of Wisdom Extraordinary People in Buddhism from the Perspective of Loving-kindness and Compassion Extraordinary…

Buddhism and Vegetarianism

English language Buddhism and Vegetarianism佛教對素食問題的看法 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Buddhist Vegetarianism Different Types of Vegetarians The Benefits of Vegetarianism Questions on Vegetarianism Taking Life Common Misconceptions Cooking Vegetarian Food Read Online Download Now 內容 佛教提倡「素食」的意義 素食的種類 素食的好處 關於「素食」的問題 關於「殺生」的問題 對「殺業」的謬解 烹飪素菜

The Buddhist Perspective on Women’s Rights

English language The Buddhist Perspective on Women’s Rights佛教對女性問題的看法 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Overcoming Discrimination and Discrepancies in Work and Society Women and Household Life Women in the Workforce and out in the World Preventing Abusive Relationships Abortion Changing the Patterns of the Past: the Role of Women in Buddhism The Intrinsic Nature…

Buddhism and Sculpture

English language Buddhism and Sculpture佛教與雕塑 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Buddhism and Sculpture Development of Buddhist Sculpture Examples of Buddhist Sculpture Sculpting of One’s Heart Read Online Download Now 內容 佛教與雕塑 佛教雕塑的發展 佛教雕塑的代表作 心的雕塑

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