Category: Booklet

Buddhism and Volunteerism

English language Buddhism and Volunteerism佛教與義工 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Buddhism and Volunteerism A Brief History of Buddhist Volunteerism The Benefits of Being a Volunteer Where is the Place for Today’s Volunteer? How to Motivate Volunteers Read Online Download Now 內容 佛教與義工 佛教義工史跡 擔任義工的好處 現代義工何處去 如何推動義工工作

Buddhism, Medicine and Health

English language Buddhism, Medicine and Health佛教與醫學 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Buddhism and Medical Science Buddha as the Great Doctor Medical Theories in Buddhism The Medicine of Buddhism The Contribution of Monastics to Medicine Read Online Download Now 內容 佛教與醫學 佛陀的醫學觀 佛教的醫學思想 佛教的醫療法 醫僧對醫學的貢獻

Protecting Our Environment

English language Protecting Our Environment佛教與環保 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents How the Buddha Exemplified Environmental Protection How the Buddhist Tradition Supports Environmental Protection How We Can Protect the Environment Read Online Download Now 內容 佛陀倡導環保 佛教對環保的具體實踐 我們如何身體力行的去做環保工作?

Building Connections: Buddhism & Architecture

English language Building Connections: Buddhism & Architecture佛教與建築 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Architecture as Insight Into Culture The History and Value of Buddhist Architecture The Future Direction of Buddhist Architecture: Building a Modern Temple Read Online Download Now 內容 建築展現文化 佛教建築的歷史與價值 佛寺建築的功能意義

Looking Ahead: A Guide for Young Buddhists

English language Looking Ahead: A Guide for Young Buddhists佛教青年的展望 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents What Young People Can Expect from Buddhism What Buddhism Expects from Young People Read Online Download Now 內容 青年對佛教的展望 佛教對青年的希望

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