Category: Booklet

Buddhism and Psychology

English language Buddhism and Psychology佛教與心理學 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents How Buddhism Views the Mind The Allegories of the Mind Ways to Purify the Mind Buddhism’s Contribution to Modern Psychology Read Online Download Now 內容 佛教對心的看法 心的譬喻 心靈淨化之道 佛教對現代心理學的貢獻

Humanistic Buddhism’s “Ten Remedies for the Mind”

Humanistic Buddhism’s “Ten Remedies for the Mind”人間佛教的治心十法 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Understanding Our Own Mind: One Mind with Two Doors Remedy Ignorance withSelf-Awakening Remedy Greed with Contentment Remedy Anger with Compassion Remedy Desire with Discipline Remedy Arrogance with Humility Remedy Stinginess withJoyful Giving Remedy Affliction withRight Mindfulness Remedy Habitual Tendencies withthe Power…

Understanding Pure Land through the Amitabha Sutra

English language Understanding Pure Land through the Amitabha Sutra從阿彌陀經說到淨土思想的建立 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents The Beginning of the Pure Land School of Buddhism The Basis of the Pure Land School of Buddhism The Different Types of Pure Lands A Description of the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha Why do We Need the Pure…

Visiting a Buddhist Temple

English language Visiting a Buddhist Temple寺院參訪 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents History of Buddhist Temples Temple Etiquette: How to Enter and Interact Common Temple Layout Common Features of a Chinese Buddhist Temple Ways to Get Further Involved Read Online Download Now 內容 佛教寺院的由來 參訪須知 認識寺廟庵堂 認識中國寺廟庵堂 親近寺院

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