Category: Booklet

The Eighteen Arhats

English language The Eighteen Arhats十八羅漢 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Mahakasyapa Sariputra Subhuti Dragon Subduing Arhat Katyayana Cudapanthaka Pindola Rahula Mahaprajapati Bhiksuni Aniruddha Ananda Read Online Download Now 內容 大迦葉尊者 舍利弗尊者 須菩提尊者 降龍羅漢 迦旃延尊者 注荼半吒迦尊者 賓頭盧尊者 羅侯羅尊者 摩訶波闍波提比丘尼 阿那律尊者 阿難尊者

Environmental and Spiritual Preservation

English language Environmental and Spiritual Preservation環保與心保 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents The Buddhist Perspective on Environmental Preservation The Importance of Environmental Preservation The Relationship between Environmental and Spiritual Preservation How to Actualize Environmental Preservation in Daily Life Conclusion Read Online Download Now 內容 佛教對環保的看法 環保對吾人的重要 環保與心保的關係 如何落實生活環保 結 語

Worldly Living, Transcendental Practice

English language Worldly Living, Transcendental Practice從入世的生活說到佛教出世的生活 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Worldly Living The Material Side of Worldly Living The Emotional Side of Worldly Living The Communal Side of Worldly Living The Sensory Side of Worldly Living Transcendental Practice Observe the Way through Living Simply  Awaken to the Way through Transcending Worldly Phenomena…


English language Nirvana涅槃 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents An Overview of Nirvana Is Nirvana Grounded? The Path to Nirvana The Realm of Nirvana Read Online Download Now 內容 涅磐 涅磐的依據 涅磐之道 涅磐境界

On Becoming a Bodhisattva

English language On Becoming a Bodhisattva菩薩的宗教體驗 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents The Bodhisattva Character: Selflessness and Compassion The Bodhisattva Perspective: Prajna and Sunyata The Bodhisattva Spirit: Perseverance and Diligence The Bodhisattva Practice: Methodical and Eternal Read Online Download Now 內容 菩薩的性格──無我與慈悲 菩薩的思想──般若與空性 菩薩的精神──堅忍與精進 菩薩道的實踐──循序到永恆

Wisdom and Emptiness of The Diamond Sutra

English language Wisdom and Emptiness of The Diamond Sutra從金剛經說到般若空性的研究 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents The Main Theme of the Diamond Sutra The Understanding of Emptiness in the Diamond Sutra Understanding Emptiness from the Viewpoint of Existence Prajna in Daily Life Read Online Download Now 內容 金剛經的主旨 金剛經的空理 從有上認識空 生活上的般若

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