Category: Booklet

Ghosts and the Afterlife

English language Ghosts and the Afterlife論鬼的形象 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents The Good and Bad Ghosts and the Law of Causation Different Kinds of Ghosts and Their Appearances Where Do Ghosts Live and What Are Their Pleasures and Pains The World of Ghosts and the Human Life Read Online Download Now 內容 鬼的好壞與因果 鬼的種類與身形…

The Buddhist Perspective on the Supernatural

English language The Buddhist Perspective on the Supernatural佛教對神通的看法 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents The Definition and the Classification of the Supernatural The Supernatural in the Social Context The Cultivation and Usage of Supernatural Powers The Buddhist Perspective on the Supernatural Read Online Download Now 內容 神通的意義和種類 神通與一般社會民眾的關系 神通的求證和運用 佛教對神通的看法

Right View

Discusses views of perception and understanding that the Buddha debated against and the views he supported as leading to awakening.

Speaking of Love and Affection

English language Speaking of Love and Affection談情說愛 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Everyday Love Heroic Love Enlightened Love The Buddha’s Kind of Love Read Online Download Now 內容 人間凡夫的情愛 人間聖賢的情愛 人間羅漢的情愛 人間佛陀的情愛

The Essence of Chan

English language The Essence of Chan禪的真諦 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Existence and Non-Existence Active and Passive Practice and Understanding Purity and Impurity The Practice of Chan Read Online Download Now 內容 實有與空有 積極與消極 修行與理解 淨與不淨 禪修

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