
Many Buddhist terms and concepts are directly translated from Sanskrit and Chinese in our publications. We hope this comprehensive glossary will help readers understand their meanings and implied concepts within the Buddhist context. 

A majority of the terms listed here have been published in The Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise, where we provide Chinese with Pinyin, as well as Sanskrit, for as many terms as possible.

Corrections & Updates:

September 2024


All entries that include the fruits of śramaṇa have been updated:

      • the fruits of the śramaṇa

suchness. Chinese: 如 ru. Skt. tathatā. This is the true nature of all things—the pure, original essence of all phenomena. It shares the same meaning as Dharma nature, nirvāṇa, and real perfect state.

      • and the real perfect state

April 2024


lion’s roar. Chinese: 師子吼 shizihou. Skt. siṃhanāda. A metaphor used to describe the teachings of the Buddha and his disciples. When the lion roars, all other animals become silent and listen. So too, when the Buddha proclaims the Dharma, all sentient beings are awakened to the truth.

      • In the same way,

June 2023


kalaviṅka. Chinese: 迦陵毘伽 jialingpijia. A mythical bird said to come from the Himalaya Mountains. Their incredibly beautiful songs can be heard even before hatching from their eggs and are compared to the voice of the Buddha and that of a bodhisattva.

      • Its incredibly beautiful song can be heard even before it hatches from its egg and is

mahoraga. Chinese: 摩睺羅伽 mohouluoqie. One of the eight classes of celestial beings. They are large serpents described as having the body of a human and the head of a serpent.

      • A mahoraga is a large serpent

Note for the following: diacritical mark was added to garuḍa and singular was changed to plural.

garuḍa. Chinese: 金翅鳥 jinchiniao.
In Sanskrit, “golden-winged bird.” One of the eight classes of celestial beings. Garuḍas are often in attendance at the Buddha’s teachings, and they are natural enemies with, and feed on, nāgas.

golden-winged bird. Chinese: 金翅鳥 jinchiniao. Skt. garuḍa.
One of the eight classes of celestial beings. Garuḍas are often in attendance at the Buddha’s teachings, and they are natural enemies with, and feed on, nāgas.

eight classes of celestial beings. Chinese: 天龍八部 tianlong babu.
Heavenly beings, nāgas, yakṣas, asuras, gandharvas, garuḍas (golden-winged birds), kiṃnaras, and mahoragas.

April 2023


kalaviṅka. Chinese: 迦陵毘伽 jialingpijia. A mythical bird said to come from the Himalaya Mountains. Their incredibly beautiful songs can be heard even before hatching from their egg and are compared to the Buddha’s and bodhisattvas’ voice.

      • Their incredibly beautiful songs can be heard even before hatching from their eggs and are compared to the voice of the Buddha and that of a bodhisattva.

mahoraga. Chinese: 摩睺羅伽 mohouluoqie. One of the eight classes of celestial beings. They are large serpents described as having the body of humans and the head of a serpent.

      • a human


      • four means of embracing
      • garuda
      • ten perceptions
      • twenty-two faculties

March 2023


Elder Sudatta. Chinese: 長者須達多 zhangzhe xudaduo. Also known as Anāthapiṇḍaka. He was a wealthy lay elder, who was declared “chief among laymen in giving” by the Buddha. His most famous offering is the Jeta Grove Monastery in Śrāvastī.

      • Anāthapiṇḍada

four conditions. Chinese: 四緣si yuan.
Causal conditions (Skt. hetupratyaya), comparable uninterrupted conditions (Skt. samanantarapratyaya), object conditions (Skt. ālambana), and advancing conditions (Skt. adhipatipratyaya).

      • Skt. ālambanapratyaya

King Yama. Chinese: 閻羅王 yanluo wang. Yama is the lord of death. Birth, old age, sickness, and punishment are his messengers sent to remind people to act virtuously and avoid misdeeds. 

      • Also known as King of Hell or King of the Dead. He is said to preside over the hell realm. 

Sarvāstivāda. Chinese: 說一切有 shuoyiqieyou dao. In Sanskrit, “Teaching that All Exists”; an important non-Mahāyāna school of Indian Buddhism named for its theory that all conditioned aggregates continue to exist throughout the three time periods of past, present, and future.

      • Chinese: 說一切有


epithets of the Buddha. Chinese: 佛陀稱號 fotuo chenghao.
See ten epithets of the Buddha.


King of Hell. Chinese: 閻羅王.
Also called King Yama or King of the Dead. He is said to supervise the hell realm

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