Hi! My name is Ryan Kuo, and I am one of the recipients of the Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center (FGSITC) Buddhism Friendship Scholarship. This blog is my talent contribution for the scholarship, and will showcase the activities we do in the scholarship.
My Experience
I was introduced to this scholarship by Venerable Man Deng and Ms. Jo Ho, a staff member of the Buddha’s Light Hsi Lai School and the Saturday Chinese School. After a successful application and interview, I was formally accepted, and the requirements to continue this 4-year scholarship program were explained. One of the requirements was to participate in two workshops per semester.
In the first workshop, I met the other students who were accepted in the scholarship program for the first time. As we introduced ourselves, they surprised me when they asked if I was the brother of Ivan Kuo. Ivan and I went to Troy High School in Fullerton City, an area which none of them had ever attended school in. Turns out, they knew him since he would play Tennis with Wilson High School’s Tennis Team, our home high school. As we talked, we discovered that we actually had a lot in common; we played the same games and were interested in the same interests and hobbies. Just like that, I made new friends through the scholarship.

Through the scholarship program, you learn many things about Buddhism. Not only do you learn the history and the ideals of Buddhism, but also the practical aspects of it and how you can apply it to benefit your daily life. The scholarship workshops invited many speakers with various backgrounds to talk about Buddhism’s impact on their lives, including a successful Buddhist business owner. We also learned the different meditation methods, and a great deal of diverse knowledge on Buddhism. I look forward to the activities we will do in the future!
– Ryan Kuo
Scholarship Participant, Spring 2023
Timeline of Events
- Application Period: September – December 2022
- Self-Enrichment Deadline: March 31, 2023
- Talent Contribution Deadline: April 30, 2023
- On-Site Workshop #1: March 4, 2023
- On-Site Workshop #2: May 6, 2023
Self-Enrichment Projects
Each semester, students are required to read a book and write an essay, and then discuss the contents of the book at scholarship workshops.

The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha
Venerable Master Hsing Yun retells the life of Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, in vivid details. Not only does it recount the Buddha’s hardships, success, and compassion to all, the readers are given a crystal clear description on the context for each detail; from the background information on the Sakya clan before Siddartha’s birth to each of his disciple’s life and the reason they became his disciple

Upcoming in Fall 2023:
Bells, Gongs, and Wooden Fish: Voices for Buddhist Change
Talent Contributions
Scholarship Recipients are to use their talents to contribute to Hsi Lai temple. Contributions include:
- Editing an article, translating an article from Chinese to English, or writing an article
- Record an audio book, or make and post a video of a Buddhist story
- Design illustrations or sketches for a Buddhist story
- Any other idea approved by FGSITC

Workshop Photos
March 4, 2023 Workshop
Recipients got together at Hsi Lai Temple and met each other for the first time, received an overview of the scholarship, and learned how Buddhism can benefit one’s life.
May 6, 2023 Workshop
In this workshop, recipients showcased their knowledge and understanding of The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha and did a storytelling, skit or re-enactment of an event in the book. They were given a temple tour, meditation lesson, and a history lesson on the Fo Guang Shan organization, as well as the Hsi Lai Temple.