The Sumati Sutra as Discoursed by the Buddha
In The Sumati Sutra, the eight-year-old girl Sumati makes the vow to become a Buddha, and the Buddha prophesies that she will definitely become a Buddha in the future! She raises ten questions about how one should cultivate in life. The Buddha addresses each question with four specific methods of practice. The Buddha teaches this sutra for the sake of young people, to inspire women to be courageous and diligent, for the happiness and prosperity of all people, and for the right to life, equality, and liberation of all beings.
- Praise of Incense Offering
- Sutra Opening Verse
- The Sumati Sutra as Discoursed by the Buddha
- The Seven Buddhas’ Negative Karma Purification Mantra
- Triple Refuge
- Dedication of Merit
- Glossary
目 錄
- 爐香讚
- 開經偈
- 佛說妙慧童女經
- 七佛滅罪真言
- 三皈依
- 回向偈